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Whenever you watch the news or read an article in any media, you might encounter information regarding the cure for cancer or malaria that sounds too good to be true.
Most often — it is.
This kind of media coverage of scientific publications was the main reason for the existence of this website. The amount of misinterpretation and misinformation circulating on every corner of our lives is becoming unbearable.
Here, as our mission, we took up the task of investigating and explaining the truth behind click-baiting news and articles found in popular media. We want to revisit the source material and examine how the real results of the original publications became distorted.
Our aim is to objectively summarize original data and make them accessible to the public in an unbiased way. We value quality over quantity and therefore, before publishing, each of our articles is reviewed by the entire core team for accuracy, clarity, and language.
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All of the information provided on the website comes from authors alone and is in no way affiliated with any organization they might have any possible ties to.